Monday, March 16, 2015

Rear Window Sound Desgin

                                                             Rear Window

Through out the film Rear Window By Alfred Hitchcock you may hear many sounds and voices coming from the different apartments behind James's (the main character) apartment.The sounds are carefully balanced to be realistic. You will hear a balance of music, voices, and sounds that equal out changing the mood.  The mixing of the sound in the film is very sophisticated. Rear Window is the 1st film that actually makes an effort in design of sound. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

Audio Levels

At -12 DB the audio is clear and just at the perfect level of volume
At -40 DB the audio is to low to hear and distorted 
At 0 DB the audio is very loud and the audio is also distorted

  • What can you do to fix audio?
You can move the Audio mixer up and down to get the volume higher and lower.
  • What cannot be fixed?
Distortion in the audio 
  • What is the optimal level for sound recording?
Between -3 and -12 
-40 -12 0

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Avant Garde Film


Resolution and Aspect Ratio
Resolution in the detail an image holds. Aspect ratios are as followed:

Examine the comments you received on your film: I was told that I did some cool effects my audio was very well picked out and helped set the mood.
Reflect on what you feel you did best: I feel I did the best on recording a lot of the panning shots and also on the adding cool effects but not over doing it.
Reflect on what your classmates said you did well on: Many of my classmates said that I had really cool effects and that I had cool audio.
Reflect on what your classmates suggested you should improve: I didn't show many oof my classmates the film and to the people I did show no one told me that I needed to work on anything.
Strengths and weakness??:
I would say my biggest strength in film is probably filming. I just love having the camera in my hand and messing with different things, like the colour, the angles, etc. Another one of my biggest strengths is probably adding cool effects/editing. I love messing with everything a seeing things differently. I also just love seeing the story come together.
A huge weakness for me is probably putting the whole film together. Though I always write a story board before I film, its just always a struggle cause either I don't want to follow the story anymore or I don't like how things are so I want to change everything.
What can you approve?:
I can probably approve my editing skills a but more just to make things run smoother
How can you make your strengths better?: Just keep with them and keep doing what I do! You know what they say practice makes perfect!

Friday, December 26, 2014

Dada Film

Dada Film: 

Dada is an expression of art through experimental techniques. The Dada movement was during the European avant-garde  in the early 20th century and it was used for "anti-war" purposes after the end of WWI. The Dada movement later inspired other forms of arm including surrealism. The dada art style was one of the transitions from art on a canvas to art on film. It took the artistic abilities from paper and put it into a technical art through cameras.It's technical and artistic advancement was shown through the use of typical things and distortion in order to show this art

* Dada is a cultural artistic movement existing between Futurism and Surrealism that appeared around 1917 
Dada art was usually expressed through poetry and performance
* It is the only art movement named not by critics but by the artists themselves

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Kuleshov Effect

Kuleshov Effect : The Kuleshov effect tries to bring emotion to the viewer from the effect of the image or actor. It gives the viewer a thought of what the actor is feeling. It is a mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation.Lev discovered that depending on how shots are assembled the audience will attach a specific meaning or emotion to it.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Film Analysis on Metropolis

                                                                ----- Metropolis -----

Who made this? Metropolis was directed and written by Fritz Lang. His Wide Thea Von Harbou also helped write it.
Why Was Metropolis made? It showed the problems that were happening in Germany during the war. It tapped into Germanys struggles, government, poverty, class, etc. A lot of Langs metaphors were political messages.
How Do you know ? A lot of the Metaphors convoyed the messages and because it was filmed around war time.
What can you tell about the film makers? That Lang wanted to make his film realistic but adding a twist making it a Si-Fi movie.
 How do you know ?  Because the messages that were expressed were problems that Germany at the time was dealing with, well at least most of the problems. Also because it was a si-fi movie.
How does this movie address its audience? It addresses it connected to both Upper and Lower class
What is the nature of our engagement in this film?  Helps ups raise questions about who is in power and our countries struggles.
How do you know? Because it convoys messages about the government power and different problems that are happening.
What Outside influences can we perceive in terms of finance, ownership, institution and social cultural context? The war and Germanys goverment.
How do you know? Because the films based off of the war and the problems in Germany.
To what other works might it be connected ?  SnowWhite can be connected because if the glass coffin.