Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Film Analysis on Metropolis

                                                                ----- Metropolis -----

Who made this? Metropolis was directed and written by Fritz Lang. His Wide Thea Von Harbou also helped write it.
Why Was Metropolis made? It showed the problems that were happening in Germany during the war. It tapped into Germanys struggles, government, poverty, class, etc. A lot of Langs metaphors were political messages.
How Do you know ? A lot of the Metaphors convoyed the messages and because it was filmed around war time.
What can you tell about the film makers? That Lang wanted to make his film realistic but adding a twist making it a Si-Fi movie.
 How do you know ?  Because the messages that were expressed were problems that Germany at the time was dealing with, well at least most of the problems. Also because it was a si-fi movie.
How does this movie address its audience? It addresses it connected to both Upper and Lower class
What is the nature of our engagement in this film?  Helps ups raise questions about who is in power and our countries struggles.
How do you know? Because it convoys messages about the government power and different problems that are happening.
What Outside influences can we perceive in terms of finance, ownership, institution and social cultural context? The war and Germanys goverment.
How do you know? Because the films based off of the war and the problems in Germany.
To what other works might it be connected ?  SnowWhite can be connected because if the glass coffin.