Friday, October 31, 2014

Chase Project

Before I started this project I did research on different angles and movements to learn what would be the best to use in each scene. As a film maker using different camera movements helps the viewer focus on the subject or character in different ways. When a film maker uses tracking this helps the viewer focus the movements or characters. It also helps the character look more or less powerful. If a film maker uses zoom in, it shows an approaching subject  and when the film maker uses zoom out, it show a distancing subject. If a film maker uses a pan then this helps reveal new information to the viewer. A lot of times film makers use movements to effect the viewer, for example tracking pulls the viewer in making it seem like you are running or doing the action with the character. When a film maker uses pan it revels secrets to the viewer that character may not know at the time, pulling the viewer more into the plot.
When filmmakers use different angles in their films it helps enhance there videos, for example if a film maker uses birds eye view it shows a different look at the shot, then how it normally be seen. When a film maker uses a shot like close up or extreme close up it helps enhance their film because it helps take the viewer into the mind of the character. When a film maker uses over the shoulder as an angle this helps in enhance their video because it lets the view have a feeling of being let in.
During this project I think the group successfully used the angles to pull in the viewer into the film, on certain camera movements like tracking I think the group could of done better and been less shaky on it. If I were to complete the project again I would try to make certain angles and shots better to flow together and help the viewer understand the film better.

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